
Did it have to snow on my night?

It snowed all day yesterday. Not strong, but steady.  Steady enough to blanket us with a thick layer of the white stuff!  A really thick layer so that at exactly the time that my favorite show was on... my satellite dish could not get reception.  So You Think You Can Dance was MISSED!  And I didn't know it until I got comfortable in my jammies, washed my face, got my blanket, my bowl of warm oatmeal cake, my glass of milk and snuggled in my chair.  Oh, the frustration when I turned on the tv and found the message..."Your satellite has not had reception for 1 hour."  Click on my show, it ends after 1 second.  AAARRRGGGHHH!  You know that Charlie Brown sound when he tries to kick the ball and Lucie snatches it away... that is the sound I made.  I proceeded to try and watch something else because I wasn't ready for sleep.  No reception. So then I was mad and went out to my satellites and tried to hit them with a broom to dust off the snow.  Only to get snow dumped on my head! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Lets just say I went to bed very upset.  All over a show, you say?  Yes, because I was looking forward to it and remember... I am alone with 5 kids for 2 weeks.  I needed some good ME time!


Brecken said...

So sorry! But you can watch it on the internet. I watched it...so good.

Kimberly said...

I totally feel your pain. So sorry.